Page 23 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 23

CARE fOR THE ELdERLY 關愛長者     21

            Age-Friendly Housing (AFH) Campaign — Home Modification         長者友善家居計劃之家居改善合作
            Collaboration Programme                                         計劃

            Since 2017, the Elderly Resources Centre has partnered with non-  自二零一七年,房協長者安居資源中
            governmental organisations (NGOs) and sponsors to implement the   心與非政府組織及贊助機構合作,推
            AFH Campaign with the aim of enhancing home safety for elderly   行「長者友善家居計劃之家居改善合作
            property owners, thereby achieving “ageing in place”. NGOs will   計劃」,旨在為長者業主提升家居安
            first refer cases of elders in need to the Housing Society, the latter   全,達致「居家安老」。非政府組織會
            of which will arrange occupational therapists to conduct home   先轉介有需要的長者個案予房協,由
            environmental assessments and make recommendations for          房協免費安排職業治療師為他們進行
            improvement without charge. Thereafter, sponsors and NGOs will   家居環境評估及作出改善建議,然後
            assist elders for home modifications in accordance with the     由非政府組織及贊助機構根據房協職
            professional advice of the Housing Society’s occupational therapists.  業治療師的專業建議,協助長者完成

            Campaign highlights for the period under review:                計劃於回顧期內的摘要:

            •    Completed nearly 90 home improvement cases                 •   完成近九十個家居改善個案

            •    Cooperated with about 10 organisations                     •   合作機構約十個

 health assessments                     Volunteer training 義工訓練
 次健康評估                                  Home assessment 家居評估

 cases for follow-up

            Jat Min Chuen Elderly Housing                                   乙明邨長者房屋項目

            Announced in March 2019, the Housing Society is planning to build   房協於二零一九年三月公布正計劃善
            a 10-storey residential block in Jat Min Chuen by utilising the   用未使用的地積比率於乙明邨興建一
            unused plot ratio, providing about 70 elderly-friendly rental units.   幢十層高住宅樓宇,提供約七十個長
            Under-occupied households, whose family members are all aged 70   者友善的出租單位。所有家庭成員均
            or above can have the option to transfer to the new flats with   年滿七十歲的長者寬敞戶可選擇調遷
            lifetime full rent exception. While vacating the larger units allows   新單位,且可享終身免租優惠。此項
            better utilisation of public housing resources, the elderly tenants   目除了騰出較大的單位有利於更有效
            can enjoy an improved living quality in an elderly-friendly unit,   地運用公共房屋資源,亦可讓長者租
            further implementing “ageing in place”.                         戶享有合適的居所,提升生活質素,

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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