Page 22 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 22


            By providing conveniently accessible health and social care services   「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃旨在透過為
            and facilities catered toward the elderly in our managed estates, our   住在出租屋邨的長者提供便捷的健康
            AIP Scheme aims to lengthen the time in which our senior residents   支援和社會關懷服務及設施,以延長
            can remain independent and active, thus leading healthier and more   長者居民的活力及獨立能力,在熟悉
            fulfilling lives in an environment familiar to them. The Scheme also   的環境下享受健康充實的生活。該計
            involves home modification and remodelling to secure a safe     劃亦涉及家居維修和改裝工程,為長
            environment for our elderly residents.                          者居民創造更安全的環境。

            As a way of documenting the impact of the AIP Scheme, the       房協於二零一八年十二月出版《安居傳
            Housing Society published a booklet named Legend of Ageing-in-  耆「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃》刊物,
            Place in December 2018, detailing stories of the beneficiaries.   記錄計劃的服務成果。此外,房協於
            Moreover, the AIP Joint District Meeting cum Study Result Sharing   二零一九年一月三日舉辦「樂得耆所」
            Forum was organised on 3 January 2019 to share with the industry   居家安老計劃聯合地區會議暨研究發
            the final results for both the AIP Longitudinal Study from 2014 to   布分享會,與業界分享二零一四年至
            2017 as well as the Social Return on Investment (SROI) study.   二零一七年「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃

            AIP Scheme highlights during the review period:                「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃於回顧期內

                                       20                                           14,593
                            Extended to all    of our rental estates        Conducted           health assessments
                        推展至房協轄下全部              個出租屋邨                             提供             次健康評估

                         服務84,782           位長者租戶(人次)                          轉介1,342          宗個案以便跟進
                        Served              elderly tenants (frequency)     Referred            cases for follow-up

                            服務820       次家居改裝評估                              計劃推行以來,共 286          家機構參與
                       Carried out      home modification assessments      Since launch, engaged   organisations

                        Social return on investment (SROI):  =  HK$4.8 for every HK$1 invested
                        社會投資回報:                            每投資一元產生四點八港元的回報

            Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19
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