Page 27 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 27

CARE fOR THE COMMUNITY 關愛社區       25

            70  Anniversary of Housing Society                              房協70周年
            2018 marked the 70  Anniversary of the Housing Society. While   房協於二零一八年踏入七十周年。房
            celebrating our journey over the decades, the occasion also     協藉著這特別的日子,與居民及持份
            provided a chance for us to connect with our residents and the   者一同分享喜悅。年內籌辦多項以「創
            wider community. A number of activities were organised throughout   宜居 • 活社區」為主題的活動,重點包
            the year carrying the theme “Create Homes • Revive Communities”.   括於轄下出租屋邨進行「快樂社區」屋
            Highlights included the “Art in Estates” Mural Painting Programme,   邨藝術壁畫計劃,並製作房協屋邨藝
            displayed within public areas of our rental estates, along with the   術地圖;租戶及員工專享的「萬家同享
            making of the Housing Society Art Map; our shopping promotion   70賞」購物優惠活動;一系列巡迴展
            campaign for our tenants and staff; a series of roving exhibitions;   覽;及舉辦以「建設樂齡智慧宜居城市」
            and an International Conference on “Building a Smart and Liveable   為題的國際房屋研討會。
            City for an Ageing Community”.

            To conclude the 70  Anniversary festivities, the Housing Society   作為房協七十周年的壓軸項目,「房協
            opened the HKHS Exhibition Centre. Serving as a platform to     展覽中心」的開幕為全年的誌慶活動劃
            educate students in their liberal studies and the general public, the   上圓滿句號。中心為中學生的通識教
            Centre shares the past, present and future of Hong Kong’s housing   育科及大眾提供教育平台,分享香港
            development, and as well the Housing Society’s mission and roles as   房屋發展的過去、現在與未來,亦介紹
            a “housing laboratory”.                                         房協作為「房屋實驗室」的使命和角色。

            A variety of activities to celebrate the
            70  Anniversary of the Housing Society

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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