Page 21 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 21
Creating a wholesome and holistic environment that nurtures 創造一個促進睦鄰關係和社區健全環
neighbourly relationships and promotes a healthy community is of 境對我們來說尤其重要。我們的社會
paramount importance to us. Our social schemes and programmes 計劃和活動旨在支持社區充分發揮自
aim to support our communities so that they can reach their full 身潛力。
Care for the Elderly 關愛長者
Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population is a societal cause for 香港人口急速老化成為社會關注的焦
concern and represents a need for more community-based services 點,意味著需要更多為長者而設的社
catered toward the elderly. As one of Hong Kong’s largest housing 區為本服務。房協一直密切關注社區
developers and property management organisations that is deeply 需要,投放大量資源應對日益增加的
entwined with the community, the Housing Society has substantially 長者人口,並增加專為長者而設的房
amplified the effort in response to the growing population of senior 屋發展及社區服務措施。
citizens and increased initiatives that are specifically targeted for
the elderly in both housing developments and community services.
Ageing-in-Place Scheme 「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃
“Ageing in place” has been considered a highly prioritised concept 「居家安老」一直以來是政府及房協的
by both the Government and the Housing Society. Since the 重點政策方針之一。自二零一二年展
inception of our Ageing-in-Place (AIP) Scheme in 2012, it has now 開 「樂得耆所」 居家安老計劃以來,計
extended to all 20 of our rental estates. 劃已推展至房協轄下全部二十個出租
Legend of Ageing-in-Place Booklet
AIP Joint District Meeting cum Study Result Sharing Forum
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告