Page 25 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 25

CARE fOR THE COMMUNITY 關愛社區       23

            Care for the Community                                          關愛社區

            Our mission to provide affordable housing to the Hong Kong      房協為香港社區提供可負擔房屋的使
            community is rooted in our vision to see a brighter and happier   命源自為城巿創建更光明和幸福未來
            future for the city. For many years, we have regularly contributed to   的願景。多年來,房協定期透過組織
            communities through organising volunteer events and activities, and   義工項目、活動及贊助,為社區及青
            investing in youth in the form of sponsorships.                 年發展作出貢獻。

            Housing Society Community                                       房協之友

            Launched in April 2003, the Housing Society Community (HSC) aims   於二零零三年四月成立的「房協之友」
            to foster mutual care and promote a harmonious community for    旨在為屋邨及代管物業的居民創建促
            residents under our managed estates and properties. HSC targets   進互助關懷和宣揚和諧的社區,以出
            both tenants of rental housing estates as well as owners of managed   租屋邨租戶及代管物業業主為主要服
            properties.                                                     務對象。

            HSC organises activities under five main themes:               「房協之友」的活動圍繞五大主題:

                WORK                 SINg                RUN              dANCE                 PLAY

                   工作                 歌唱                  跑步                  跳舞                  遊樂

               Encourage social   Organise opera classes   Inspire active lifestyles   Host dance classes to   Create experiences
             participation through   for life-long learning  through sports and   boost active lifestyles  through festive tours
               volunteering and   籌辦歌劇班,鼓勵終身              hiking        主辦舞蹈班,推動積極             and carnivals
                   charity             學習           透過運動及遠足,啟迪               生活態度           透過節慶遊樂團及嘉年
             透過義工及慈善活動,                                 積極生活態度                                 華,豐富體驗

                  In 2018/19,
                  籌辦900               activities were organised  35,700                    participants


                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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