Page 99 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 99

CORPORaTE GOvERNaNCE 企業管治        97

               During the year, five Supervisory Board meetings were held with an   年內,監事會共舉行五次會議,整體出席
               overall attendance rate of 90 per cent. The Supervisory Board reviewed   率為百分之九十。監事會審視了整體企業
               the overall corporate strategic plan; the corporate business focuses for   策略計劃、二零一八╱一九年度的企業業
               2018/19; the consolidated views of the 2018 brainstorming session; and   務重點、二零一八年集思會的綜合意見及
               the half-year reports submitted by the Audit Committee. It also received   審核委員會提交的半年度報告,亦省覽了
               from Management a full-year report for 2017/18; quarterly reports on   管理層就二零一七╱一八年度提交的全年
               major events and management decisions; and papers on topical issues,   報告、有關重要事務及管理決議的季度報
               such as the transitional rental housing scheme and updates on housing   告和專題文件,如過渡性房屋「暫租住屋」
               projects and new initiatives. Based on the Nominating Committee’s   計劃以及房屋項目的最新進展及新計劃。
               recommendations, the Supervisory Board approved the admission of   監事會接納提名委員會的推薦,任命了十
               ten new members to the Housing Society and appointed members to   名新委員加入房協,亦委任了執行委員會
               the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee.            及審核委員會的成員。

               Executive Committee                                         執行委員會
               The Executive Committee approves strategies proposed by     執行委員會負責審批管理層提議的策略、
               Management, monitors Management performance and approves    監察管理層的表現及審批薪酬委員會和特
               recommendations made by the Remuneration Committee and the   別委員會呈交的建議,以及批核管理層職
               Special Committees where appropriate, as well as major decisions   權以外的重大決定。執行委員會亦負責委
               beyond Management thresholds. It also appoints members to the   任薪酬委員會及特別委員會的成員。
               Remuneration Committee and the Special Committees.

               There were 12 members on the Executive Committee as of 1 April 2018,   截至二零一八年四月一日,執行委員會共
               comprising the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory   有十二名成員,包括監事會的主席及副主
               Board, the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing)   席、由運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)出
               serving as an ex officio member, the Chief Executive Officer and   任的當然委員、行政總裁兼執行總幹事及
               Executive Director, and eight members appointed by the Supervisory   八名由監事會委任的成員。於二零一八年
               Board. At the AGM held on 6 September 2018, four members retired   九月六日舉行的周年委員大會當日,四名
               from the Executive Committee, namely the Chairman, Mr Marco Wu   成員退任執行委員會,包括主席鄔滿海先
               Moon-hoi, the Vice-Chairman, Mr Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen, Mr Edgar   生、 副 主 席 梁 國 權 先 生、 關 治 平 先 生 及
               Kwan Chi-ping and Dr Lam Ching-choi, thereby fulfilling the one-third   林正財醫生,符合了三分之一成員退任的
               retirement rule. Mr Marco Wu Moon-hoi, Mr Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen   規定。鄔滿海先生、梁國權先生及林正財
               and Dr Lam Ching-choi had already served on the Executive Committee   醫生已連續出任兩屆(各為期三年)執行委
               for two consecutive three-year terms and were not eligible for re-  員會成員,故不合資格再獲委任。關治平
               appointment. Mr Edgar Kwan Chi-ping expressed interest in re-  先生表示有意連任執行委員會成員。於二
               appointment to the Executive Committee. At the Supervisory Board   零一八年周年委員大會後接續舉行的監事
               meeting held immediately after the 2018 AGM, Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok,   會會議上,獲選為監事會主席的陳家樂先
               who had been elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board, acted as the   生出任執行委員會主席,而獲選為監事會
               Chairman of the Executive Committee. Prof Ling Kar-kan, who had been   副主席的凌嘉勤教授則出任執行委員會副
               elected Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, acted as the Vice-  主席。此外,關治平先生再獲委任為執行
               Chairman of the Executive Committee. Additionally, Mr Edgar Kwan   委員會成員,而另外兩名獲委任加入執行
               Chi-ping was re-appointed and two other members, Mr Victor Chan   委員會的成員為陳顯滬先生及劉文君女士,
               Hin-fu and Ms Julia Lau Man-kwan, were appointed to the Executive   任期為三年。截至二零一九年三月三十一
               Committee for a three-year term of office. The Executive Committee   日,執行委員會共有十二名成員。
               comprised 12 members as of 31 March 2019.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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