Page 98 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 98

96    Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            Supervisory Board and Executive Committee                   監事會及執行委員會
            Supervisory Board                                           監事會
            The Supervisory Board establishes the Housing Society’s mission, vision,   監事會負責訂立房協的宗旨、願景、核心
            core values and guiding principles, and oversees all nomination,   價值和企業原則,並監督所有提名、選舉
            election and audit functions. The Supervisory Board appoints members   及審核職能。監事會亦負責委任執行委員
            to the Executive Committee, the Audit Committee and the Nominating   會、審核委員會及提名委員會的成員,並
            Committee and is responsible for their performance. It also advises and   監管各委員會的表現。監事會亦就持份者
            provides guidance to the Executive Committee on issues of stakeholder   權益、公共關係及外在環境轉變等方面向
            interests, public relations and changes in the external environment.  執行委員會提供意見及指引。

            As of 1 April 2018, the Supervisory Board had 25 members including 20   截 至 二 零 一 八 年 四 月 一 日, 監 事 會 共 有
            who were elected, four government officials as ex officio members,   二十五名成員,包括二十名經選舉產生的
            namely the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing),   成員、四名由政府官員出任的當然委員,
            Director of Lands, Director of Planning and Director of Buildings, as well   即運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)、地政
            as the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director. In order to recruit   總署署長、規劃署署長和屋宇署署長,以
            new members and ensure a smooth succession process, a “two-year   及房協行政總裁兼執行總幹事。為增添新
            grace period” requirement has been adopted since the 2015 AGM.   成員並確保繼任順利,監事會自二零一五
            Accordingly, a member who retires from the Supervisory Board after six   年周年委員大會起採納「兩年休職期」規例,
            or more consecutive years of service will not be eligible for re-election   訂明連續六年或以上出任監事會的成員自
            for two years until the second AGM following his/her retirement.  退任監事會後兩年內(即直至退任後第二次

            At the AGM held on 6 September 2018, eight Supervisory Board members   於二零一八年九月六日舉行的周年委員大
            retired, namely, Mr Au Choi-kai, Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok, Prof Eddie Hui   會上,共有八名監事會成員退任,分別是
            Chi-man, Mr Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen, Ms Julia Lau Man-kwan,   區載佳先生、陳家樂先生、許智文教授、梁
            Mr Marco Wu Moon-hoi, Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu and Dr Lau Kwok-yu,   國權先生、劉文君女士、鄔滿海先生、陳顯
            thereby fulfilling the one-third retirement rule. Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu   滬先生及劉國裕博士,符合了三分之一成
            and Dr Lau Kwok-yu were not eligible to stand for re-election to the   員退任的規定。由於陳顯滬先生及劉國裕
            Supervisory Board as they had already served for two consecutive   博士已連續出任兩屆(各為期三年)監事會
            three-year terms. Mr Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen opted not to stand for   成員,故不合資格重選。梁國權先生選擇
            re-election and Ms Julia Lau Man-kwan chose to step down from the   不接受重選,而劉文君女士選擇不再出任
            Supervisory Board. Mr Au Choi-kai, Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok, Prof Eddie   監事會成員。區載佳先生、陳家樂先生、
            Hui Chi-man and Mr Marco Wu Moon-hoi stood for re-election and   許智文教授及鄔滿海先生接受重選並成功
            were successfully re-elected to the Supervisory Board. The four other   連任監事會成員。另外四名當選加入監事
            members elected to the Supervisory Board were Dr Lam Ching-choi,   會的成員為林正財醫生、凌嘉勤教授、麥
            Prof Ling Kar-kan, Mrs Agnes Mak Tang Pik-yee and Mr Alvin Mak Wing-  鄧碧儀女士及麥永森先生。於二零一八年
            sum. Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok and Prof Ling Kar-kan were elected the   周年委員大會後接續舉行的監事會會議上,
            Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board respectively   陳家樂先生及凌嘉勤教授分別獲選為監事
            at the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2018 AGM.   會 主 席 及 副 主 席。 截 至 二 零 一 九 年 三 月
            The Supervisory Board consisted of 25 members as of 31 March 2019.  三十一日,監事會共有二十五名成員。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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