Page 87 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 87


               Professional Exchanges                                      專業交流
               To facilitate experience sharing and knowledge exchanges with   為了促進與業界和專業人士分享經驗及交
               industry counterparts and various professionals, we regularly receive   流知識,我們定期接待本地、內地及海外
               guests from the local, Mainland and international organisations. Tours   團體訪客,安排參觀發展項目以及與房協
               and visits to our projects and meetings with the management staff   管理層進行會議。於二零一八╱一九年度,
               were arranged. In 2018/19, we received over 475 visitors, including   我們接待了超過 475名訪客,當中包括政府
               government officials, industry peers, student delegates, politicians and   官員、業界同儕、學生代表、政客及教師。
               teachers. During the year, among our visitors are representatives from   年內,訪客包括來自教育局、運輸及房屋
               the Education Bureau, the Transport and Housing Bureau, the Macao   局、澳門特區政府及全球未來研究所的代
               SAR Government, and the Global Institute For Tomorrow.      表。

               This year, a number of conferences and seminars were organised to   本年度,我們舉辦了「樂得耆所」居家安老
               explore solutions to Hong Kong’s housing challenges with industry   計劃聯合地區會議暨研究發布分享會以及
               professionals, particularly in elderly housing, namely The “Ageing-in-  國際房屋研討會等多場會議及研討會,與
               Place” Joint District Meeting cum Study Results Sharing Forum and the   業界專業人士共同探討香港房屋問題的解
               International Housing Conference.                           決方案,尤其針對長者房屋方面。

               From time to time, our senior management team actively took part in   我們的高級管理人員不時在不同的學術及
               various speaking engagements at both academic and professional   專業團體活動上進行演說。於二零一八年
               events. In November 2018, the Housing Society Chairman Walter Chan   十一月,房協主席陳家樂及其他高級管理
               and other senior management staff attended the Housing Strategies   人員出席了由五個專業和學術機構合辦的
               Summit co-hosted by five professional bodies and academic   房屋策略高峰會。年內,我們亦參與了一
               institutions. During the year, we also participated in seminars and   連 串 研 討 會 及 論 壇, 當 中 包 括World
               exchange forums to promote the causes in relation to the mission of   Alzheimer’s Month Seminar、 以「 可 持 續 社
               the Housing Society, such as the World Alzheimer’s Month Seminar, the   區:如何促進長者友善項目發展」為題的華
               Chinachem Sustainability Conference on “Sustainable Neighbourhood:   懋可持續發展論壇以及「組裝合成」建築法
               How to Foster Age-Friendly Developments”, and the Client Contractor   業主、承建商及組件供應商交流論壇等研
               Supplier Forum on “Modular Integrated Construction”, to name but a few.  討會及論壇,藉此推廣與房協服務宗旨有

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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