Page 86 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 86

84    Business Overview 業務概覽

            Social Media                                                社交媒體

            Meanwhile, we continue to expand our reach to different age groups   與 此 同 時, 房 協 繼 續 透 過 不 同 社 交 媒 體
            across different social media platforms. Interesting stories about the   平 台 接 觸 各 個 年 齡 組 別 的 公 眾。 我 們 於
            everyday lives of residents are shared on our blog “Housing Society   Facebook專頁「房協人 • 情 • 味」及YouTube
            Community” via Facebook and YouTube. Readers may also find our   分享居民日常生活的趣事,並讓大眾了解
            business updates, works and activities, as well as the latest about our   房協的最新業務進展、工作及活動等資訊,
            efforts in corporate social responsibility on these social media platforms.  以及房協在企業社會責任方面所作的努力。

            As of 31 March 2019, the fan page has accumulated a total of 4,412   截至二零一九年三月三十一日,專頁擁有
            followers. During the year, 182 stories were featured, garnering a total   4,412 名追蹤者。年內,帖子數量達182條,
            of 526,326 views and 7,095 positive reactions. In a bid to further raise   總瀏覽次數達 526,326次,正面回響共7,095
            the awareness of the Housing Society among the younger generation,   個。為了進一步加深年輕一代對房協的認
            we are planning to launch our official Instagram in mid-2019.  識, 我 們 計 劃 於 二 零 一 九 年 中 推 出 官 方

            Engagement with the Press and Opinion leaders               與新聞業界和意見領袖溝通
            Over the years, we have made significant efforts in maintaining   我們多年來不斷努力透過主流媒體及參與
            transparent and open communication with the general public on our   公眾活動,維持工作及活動的透明度,並
            works and activities, by means of various mainstream media and public   與公眾坦誠溝通。
            engagement in public activities.

            During the review year, we participated in 54 media interviews, and   於回顧年內,我們安排或參與了五十四次
            issued 16 press releases and press statement on a wide spectrum of   傳媒訪問,並發放十六則新聞稿及聲明,
            topics. A total of 15 media events, including networking lunches, tours   涵蓋主題廣泛。我們亦舉辦交流午宴、導
            and briefings with media were organised on various topics, such as the   賞團及傳媒簡介會等合共十五場不同主題
            launch of the Housing Society Exhibition Centre. On the whole, the   的傳媒活動,包括「房協展覽中心」開幕。
            media reports generated in 2018/19 were equivalent to an advertising   總括而言,二零一八╱一九年度的媒體報
            value of HK$140 million.                                    導已產生相等於一億四千萬港元的廣告價值。

            To gather feedback on residents’ housing concerns in different districts,   為了收集各區居民對房屋事務的意見,年
            we organised 13 networking lunches and lobbying sessions with   內我們舉辦了十三場交流午宴及游說會議,
            various District Councillors, and 11 briefings or meetings with   與各區區議員保持溝通。另外,我們亦舉
            Legislative Council members and concern groups. Discussion topics   辦了十一場簡介會或會議,與立法會議員
            included housing matters, project updates and other local matters.  和關注組,就房屋事務、項目動態以及其

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91