Page 85 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 85


               Effective Communication through Diverse Channels            多元渠道確保有效溝通
               Publications                                                刊物
               To maintain clear and effective communication with our stakeholders,   為了與持份者進行清晰有效的溝通,房協
               various publications outlining our projects and business activities were   製作和出版多本刊物,包括房協年報以及
               produced and published to convey the messages, which include the   社會及環保報告、房協季刊「房協動態」以
               Annual Report, the Social and Environmental Report, the quarterly   及員工通訊刊物「房協脈搏」,以介紹項目
               newsletter Housing Society Today and staff bulletin Pulsar.  及業務活動的資訊。

               During the year, a special publication on The Tanner Hill was launched   年內,房協推出「雋悅」的特刊,與業界及
               as part of our ongoing campaign to promote “ageing in place”, by   公眾分享發展優質長者房屋項目背後的故
               sharing our stories behind the development of the quality elderly   事,以持續推廣「居家安老」的概念。所有
               housing project with the industry and the public. All publications issued   房協出版的刊物均上載至房協企業網站供
               by the Housing Society are accessible to the public through our   公眾閱覽。
               corporate website.

               Public Enquiry System                                       公眾查詢系統
               With serving and satisfying the expectation of our stakeholders as one   秉承積極回應和滿足持份者期望的核心價
               of our core values, we maintain constant dialogues and interaction with   值,我們透過雙向溝通與持份者保持對話
               stakeholders through two-way communication. During the review year,   和互動。年內,我們共接獲及處理2,424個
               a total of 2,424 enquiries were received and handled through our email   電郵或電話查詢,大多數查詢來自居民、
               or hotline system. Most of the enquiries are from residents, tenants and   租戶及準買家,內容涉及索取資料、求助
               prospective homebuyers requesting information, seeking assistance, or   或就房協的計劃及服務表達意見。
               expressing opinions relating to our schemes and services.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90