Page 88 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 88

Corporate Sustainability


            FiNANCiAl MANAgEMENt

            Income Distribution
            Year   HK$million                                                     as at 31 March 2019
            年份     港幣百萬元                                                          截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                    12   1,910  853  9
            2018/19                  2,784                                           Property Sales
                    23  1,760         3,588       12                                 Property Leasing and
             2017/18                               5,383                             Management
                               4,421            1,638     2,004  29                  Investment
             2016/17                                              8,092              投資
                  (442)           5,526              1,466  36                       其他
             2015/16                                        6,586
                        1,686   1,382  909  19
             2014/15                       3,996

            Overall Financial Performance                               整體財務表現
            The Housing Society reported a total income of HK$2,784 million for the   截至二零一九年三月三十一日止財政年度,
            year ended 31 March 2019, which was about 48% or HK$2,599 million   房協錄得總收入二十七億八千四百萬港元,
            lower than that of last year. Total expenses amounted to HK$1,699   較去年減少二十五億九千九百萬港元或百
            million and a net surplus of HK$1,085 million was achieved. As at 31   分之四十八。總支出為十六億九千九百萬
            March 2019, net asset value was HK$43.4 billion, representing a 3%   港元,淨盈餘為十億八千五百萬港元。截
            growth, comprised of HK$9.5 billion in investment properties, HK$3.6   至二零一九年三月三十一日,淨資產值為
            billion in properties under development for sale and HK$30.3 billion in   四百三十四億港元,增長百分之三,當中
            net financial assets and others.                            九十五億港元為投資物業,三十六億港元

            income Analysis                                             收入分析
            The Housing Society’s total income decreased by HK$2,599 million to   房協總收入減少二十五億九千九百萬港元
            HK$2,784 million. The decline was attributed to a decrease in our   至二十七億八千四百萬港元。減少乃由於
            investment returns, which stood at HK$853 million, due to volatility on   投資回報因環球投資市場不穩而有所減少
            global investment markets.                                  所致,投資收益為八億五千三百萬港元。

            Income from the property leasing and management operations was   物業租賃及管理營運收入為十九億一千萬
            HK$1,910 million, representing 69% of the total income and a 9%   港元,佔總收入百分之六十九,較去年增
            increase from last year. The increase was mainly due to the income   加百分之九。增加主要由於商舖收入增長,
            growth from our commercial premises, and the 8% rent increase in our   以及於二零一八年四月一日出租屋邨租金
            rental estates on 1 April 2018.                             調升百分之八。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93