Page 89 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 89
FINaNCIal MaNaGEMENT 財務管理 87
Expenditure Distribution
Year HK$million as at 31 March 2019
年份 港幣百萬元 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
(58) 655 525 323 254 Property Development and
2018/19 1,699 Related Costs/ (Written Back)
(250) 664 492 459 207 Property Leasing and
2017/18 1,572 Management Expenses
3,055 624 474 552 184 Staff Costs
2016/17 4,889 職工成本
Assets Depreciation and
3,527 563 436 490 235 Impairment
2015/16 5,251 資產折舊及減值
Other Operating Costs
939 508 409 283183 其他營運成本
2014/15 2,322
Expense Analysis 支出分析
Total expenses were HK$1,699 million, which is 8% or HK$127 million 總支出為十六億九千九百萬港元,較去年
higher than the previous year. Staff costs increased by 6.7% or HK$33 增加一億二千七百萬港元或百分之八。職
million, primarily due to salary adjustment and increased headcounts to 工成本增加三千三百萬港元或百分之六點
support the new housing initiatives. Other operating costs also 七,主要由於薪金調整及增加人手以支援
increased by HK$47 million, mainly from increased promotional 新房屋計劃。其他營運成本亦增加四千七百
activities related to the Housing Society’s 70 anniversary, and 萬港元,主要是由於房協七十周年的推廣
implementation of the new Transitional Rental Housing Scheme at Yue 活動,以及新推出的漁光村「暫租住屋」計
Kwong Chuen. 劃所產生。
Financial Outlook and Management 財務前景及管理
Property Developments for Sale 發展出售物業
Property development is one of the Housing Society’s core businesses. 物業發展為房協其中一項核心業務。我們
We have all along devised various housing schemes to assist people in 致力設計各種房屋計劃,協助香港市民實
Hong Kong to fulfill their housing ownership aspirations. Currently, we 現置業願望。目前,我們主要專注與政府
mainly focus on partnering with the Government to address the 合作,解決可負擔房屋供應不足的問題。
shortage of affordable housing. These projects include Subsidised Sale 有關項目包括資助出售房屋項目、專用安
Flats (SSF), Dedicated Rehousing Estates and Transitional Housing 置屋邨及過渡性房屋「暫租住屋」計劃。
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報