Page 90 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 90

88    Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            Net Assets Distribution                            Projects under Planning and Committed Projects
            淨資產分布                                              規劃中及已落實的項目
            Year  HK$billion              as at 31 March 2019  HK$billion            as at 31 March 2019
            年份   港幣十億元                    截至二零一九年三月三十一日止       港幣十億元                 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                  9.5 3.6    30.3
             2019                      43.4                                            9.7 (17%)
                                                                                       Projects under Planning
                  9.8 2.7    29.8                                                      規劃中的項目
             2018                      42.3
                                                                       55.6            43.3 (78%)
                  10.1 2.1  26.3                                                       Amount Authorised
             2017                    38.5                             Total ᐼᅰ
                                                                                       but not Contracted
                   9.9 3.8  21.6                                                       已授權但未批出的金額
             2016                  35.3
                                                                                       2.6 (5%)
                  9.4  5.9  18.7                                                       Amount Contracted but
             2015                  34.0                                                not Provided in the
                                                                                       Financial Statements
                   Rental Properties                                                   顯示的金額
                                                              Projects 項目:
                   Properties for Sale
                   出售物業                                       •   Two Elderly Housing Projects   •   Eight Subsidised Sale Flats Projects   •   Building Management and
                                                                                               Maintenance Scheme
                   Financial Assets                           •   Three Rental Estate   •   Three Mixed Development Projects   各項樓宇管理維修計劃
                   and Others                                  Redevelopment Projects   三個混合發展項目
                   財務資產及其他                                     三個出租屋邨重建項目
            This year, we have three SSF projects in the pipeline, namely, Greenhill   本年度,我們有三個資助出售房屋項目正
            Villa, Terrace Concerto and Mount Verdant, which are scheduled to be   在施工,分別為「綠怡雅苑」、「翠鳴臺」及
            completed in 2019 and 2020 respectively. Five new SSF projects will be   「翠嶺峰」,預計分別於二零一九年及二零
            launched subsequent to the grant of project sites at Fanling Jockey   二零年竣工。於獲批粉嶺馬會道、啟德及
            Club Road, Kai Tak and Anderson Road Quarry. Our Dedicated   安達臣道石礦場的項目工地後,我們將於
            Rehousing Estates at Pak Wo Road and Hung Shui Kiu are also under   該等地點發展五個新資助出售房屋項目。
            development. Apart from the above, we also rolled out Transitional   另外,我們位於百和路及洪水橋的專用安
            Rental Housing Scheme at Yue Kwong Chuen, by means of utilising   置屋邨項目亦正在進行。除上文所述外,
            vacant units for waitlisted applicants of public rental housing.  我們亦在漁光村推行過渡性房屋「暫租住屋」

            In June 2018, the Government changed the pricing mechanism for the   於二零一八年六月,政府推出居屋定價新
            Home Ownership Scheme flats. Under the new mechanism, the   機制。在新機制下,資助出售房屋的訂價
            revenue from our future SSF projects are likely to be reduced, as the   與申請人負擔能力掛勾,因而我們預期這
            selling prices of the subsidised units will be based on the target   類發展項目的相關收入將可能下降。為確
            customers’ affordability. To ensure our future projects are sustainable,   保未來項目能持續發展,我們與運輸及房
            we were able to reach an agreement with the Transport and Housing   屋局達成協議,調低房協出租屋邨用地及
            Bureau to lower our land premium payment for our subsidised sale flats   資助出售房屋項目用地的地價。
            and rental units.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95