Page 91 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 91

FINaNCIal MaNaGEMENT 財務管理        89

               Investment Portfolio
               HK$billion              as at 31 March 2019
               港幣十億元                   截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                                       Funding Strategy
                                          17.9 (55%)                           8.3 (26%)
                                          長期 Long Term                         短期 Short Term
                      32.4                To Fund Redevelopment of Rental Estates  To Act as Working Capital and to
                     Total ᐼᅰ             為出租屋邨的重建項目提供資金                       Finance Existing Capital Projects
                                          6.2 (19%)
                                          中期 Medium Term
                                          To Fund Subsidised Sale Flats Projects and
                                          Retain Principal for Future Development Needs

               Property leasing and Management                             物業出租及管理
               The Housing Society has around 32,640 rental units in 20 estates,   房協轄下有二十個出租屋邨逾32,640個單
               accommodating around 83,000 tenants at discounted market rents. We   位,以折讓巿值租金出租予約83,000名住
               also provide 133,158 m  of commercial area with 24,676 m  office and   戶。我們亦提供約 133,158平方米的商用空
               shops at 1063 King’s Road, as well as 9,380 car-parking spaces in our   間、包括位於英皇道1063 號共24,676平方
               estates and managed properties.                             米的辦公室及商舖,以及於轄下出租屋邨
                                                                           及代管物業提供9,380 個泊車位。

               In 2010, the Housing Society acquired a commercial building at 1063   於二零一零年,房協收購英皇道1063號一
               King’s Road for office use and leased out office floors for long-term   幢商廈作為辦公室用途,並出租商業樓層
               investment income. The commercial portfolio is operated on prudent   作長期投資收入。商舖業務按審慎的商業
               commercial principles with rents based on market value.     原則運作,租金按市值計算。

               Ten of our rental estates are over 40 years old, among which seven of   房協轄下十個出租屋邨的樓齡逾四十年,
               them are aged more than 50. Thus, redeveloping ageing rental estates   其中有七個超過五十年。因此,重建舊邨
               remains a top priority to us. While we have been able to maintain a   仍然是我們的首要任務。雖然我們的物業
               surplus operation for our property leasing and management operation,   租賃及管理一直能保持盈餘,惟出租屋邨
               the rental income received from our rental estates is no longer sufficient   所得租金收入不足以彌補由舊邨恆常保養
               to cover the long-term costs of maintenance and improvement works   及改善工程所衍生的長期成本,因此,住
               for our ageing estates, and thus our domestic operation has incurred a   宅項目已錄得虧損。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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