Page 94 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 94

92    Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            CORPORAtE gOvERNANCE

            Corporate governance Structure                              企業管治架構
            incorporation                                               成立
            Hong Kong Housing Society was established in 1948 and incorporated   香 港 房 屋 協 會 於 一 九 四 八 年 成 立, 並 於
            in 1951 under the Hong Kong Housing Society Incorporation Ordinance   一九五一年根據《香港房屋協會法團條例》
            (Cap 1059). It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation governed   (第一零五九章)正式註冊,是一個由委員
            by its members.                                             管治的獨立非牟利機構。

            The Housing Society is committed to maintaining high standards of   房協致力維持高水平的企業管治,並深信
            corporate governance and recognises that good corporate governance   在不斷轉變的環境下,良好的企業管治對
            is crucial for its business sustainability in an ever-changing environment.   維持業務的可持續發展至為關鍵。維持透
            Transparency and the pursuit of best practices are the cornerstones of   明度和實踐最佳常規是達致良好企業管治
            this commitment.                                            的基石。

            two-tier Board Structure                                    雙層管治架構

            The Housing Society’s two-tier board structure comprises a Supervisory   房協的雙層管治架構由監事會及執行委員
            Board and an Executive Committee. This corporate governance model   會組成。此企業管治模式將監察與營運管
            separates the roles of oversight and management of operations. In   理的角色分開。具體而言,監事會負責確
            particular, the Supervisory Board determines the mission, vision, core   立房協的宗旨、願景、核心價值及企業原
            values and guiding principles of the Housing Society; the Executive   則;執行委員會負責制訂達致房協的宗旨
            Committee sets the strategies and policies to achieve the mission and   及目標的策略和政策;而管理層則負責執
            objectives; and the Management is accountable for the implementation   行日常業務上既定的策略。
            of the strategies in business operations.

            The Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee support the   提名委員會及審核委員會分別協助監事會
            Supervisory Board in the areas of membership nomination and   處理提名及任命委員,以及財務報告和內
            admission; and financial reporting and internal control respectively. The   部監控等事宜。薪酬委員會則協助執行委
            Remuneration Committee supports the Executive Committee in the   員會處理整體薪酬策略及高層管理人員的
            areas of overall compensation strategy and the appointment and   委任及薪酬等事宜。執行委員會亦會在有
            remuneration of top management executives. Special committee may   需要時成立特別委員會就特定業務範疇提
            also be established by the Executive Committee as and when necessary   供意見。各委員會的成立,有助提升監事
            to advise on specific business areas. Having various committees to   會及執行委員會的效率、讓其專注處理更
            support the key board functions increases the board’s efficiency,   重要的事務,並可充分發揮房協各委員的
            enhances its focus on high-impact issues, leverages specific skills   專長,得以更投入房協的工作。
            contained within the Housing Society membership, and deepens
            members’ commitment.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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