Page 95 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 95

CORPORaTE GOvERNaNCE 企業管治        93

               Efficient Board Process                                     有效率的管治程序
               Strategic Planning                                          策略規劃
               The Housing Society adopts a rigorous and continuous strategic   房協採納一套審慎周全及貫徹一致的策略
               planning process. Every calendar year, a brainstorming session is held   規劃程序。房協每年均會舉行集思會討論
               on the strategic business focuses and long-term development. In   策略業務重點及長遠發展。除監事會及執
               addition to members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive   行委員會委員外,其他房協委員均獲邀出
               Committee, all other members are invited to join the session to share   席集思會,就房協各項策略方案分享想法,
               their thoughts on various strategic initiatives and express their views on   並對房協的角色、優先事項及長遠發展表
               the Housing Society’s roles, priorities and long-term development.   達意見。房協在制訂企業業務計劃時會參
               Members’ views are taken into consideration in the formulation of the   考委員的意見。本年度的集思會於二零一八
               corporate business plan. The brainstorming session for the year was   年十二月十四日舉行,共有五十一名委員
               held on 14 December 2018, and was attended by 51 members and   及高級管理人員出席。
               senior management staff.

               information and Support                                     資訊及支援
               The Management submits an annual corporate business plan to the   管理層提交年度業務計劃予執行委員會批
               Executive Committee for its approval. Progress is monitored and   核。工作進度按企業表現指標作監察及評
               evaluated through key performance indicators. The Supervisory Board   估。管理層亦會向監事會及執行委員會提
               and the Executive Committee also receive quarterly and monthly   交季度及每月報告,匯報房協的財務表現、
               reports from the Management on financial performance and key events   重點事務及管理決策。管理層權限以外的
               and management decisions. Major decisions beyond the agreed   重大決定則提交執行委員會審批。
               Management thresholds are submitted to the Executive Committee for

               A schedule for Board and Committee meetings is prepared for each   房協每年都會編製監事會和各委員會的會
               calendar year. Standing agenda items are set to ensure that matters   議時間表。會議設有常規議事項目,確保
               relating to corporate strategy, corporate performance management,   監事會和各委員會於年內適時討論企業策
               finance, risk management and internal control, admission of members   略、企業表現管理、財務、風險管理與內部
               and Board and Committee membership composition are discussed at   監控、委員任命以及監事會與各委員會的
               appropriate intervals through the year.                     組成等事宜。

               To help our members keep abreast of current trends and issues facing   為協助委員瞭解房協當前所面對的形勢和
               the Housing Society, various business activities were arranged through   問題,房協年內安排了各種業務活動讓委
               the year to update and refresh their knowledge necessary for the   員更新其履行職責所需的知識,當中包括
               performance of their duties and obligations. These included a Members’   就香港土地供應選項而舉辦的房協委員論
               Forum on Land Supply Options in Hong Kong and a visit to a building   壇,以及到訪建造業議會的組建城,參觀
               constructed by “Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)” solution at the   以「組裝合成」建築法興建的建築物。此外,
               MiC Display Centre of the Construction Industry Council. In addition,   房 協 亦 定 期 透 過 企 業 通 訊《房 協 動 態》及
               our corporate newsletters, Housing Society Today and Pulsar, are   《Pulsar》讓委員了解房協業務發展及員工活
               periodically issued to members to keep them updated on the Housing   動的最新動向。
               Society’s business development and staff activities.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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