Page 96 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 96

94    Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            induction of New Board and Committee Members                新任監事會及委員會成員的就任
            A tailored orientation pack is provided to newly-joined Supervisory   房協為新加入的監事會成員及其他委員會
            Board members and other Committee members. This pack contains   成員提供就任資料冊,當中包括有關房協
            information on the Housing Society’s governance structure and   的管治架構及策略業務重點;監事會、執
            strategic business focuses, terms of reference of the Supervisory Board,   行委員會及其他委員會的職權範圍;以及
            Executive Committee and other Committees, as well as recent   近期主要業務討論文件的資料。行政總裁
            discussion papers on major businesses. Induction meetings are also   兼執行總幹事及其他總監亦會與監事會及
            arranged for new Board and Committee members with the Chief   各委員會的新成員會面,向他們介紹房協
            Executive Officer and Executive Director, and other Directors, so they   業務營運及最新進展。
            can receive information of the Housing Society’s business operations
            and latest developments.

            Annual general Meeting                                      周年委員大會
            The Housing Society holds an annual general meeting (AGM) every   房協每年均舉行周年委員大會,會上由主
            calendar year where the Chairman gives a brief synopsis of the   席簡報過去一年的工作。二零一八年周年
            preceding year’s business. The 2018 AGM was held on 6 September   委員大會於二零一八年九月六日在香港會
            2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and was   議展覽中心舉行,共有五十六位房協委員
            attended by 56 members. At the 2018 AGM, the Chairman reported the   出席。於二零一八年周年委員大會上,主
            Housing Society’s achievements in 2017/18. Key business resolved   席匯報了房協於二零一七╱一八年度業績,
            included receipt of the audited financial statements and auditor’s   而主要議決事項包括省覽二零一七年四月
            report for the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 and the annual   一日至二零一八年三月三十一日止期間的
            report for the year ended 31 March 2018; the appointment of an auditor   經審核財務報表及核數師報告以及截至二
            for the financial year 2018/19; and the election of Supervisory Board   零一八年三月三十一日止年度的年報;委
            members for the membership year 2018/19.                    聘二零一八╱一九財政年度的核數師;及

            Enterprise Risk Management                                  企業風險管理

            The Housing Society established an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)   房協於二零零六╱零七年度建立企業風險
            framework in 2006/07. With assistance from our consultant, the   管理框架。在顧問的協助下,這框架多年
            framework has been developed and refined over the years, particularly   來不斷演變和改進,主要集中在風險管治
            with regard to the risk governance structure, namely risk identification,   架構,包括風險辨識、評估、監察和報告程
            assessment, monitoring and reporting.                       序。

            With the ERM framework developed to an appropriate maturity level,   隨著企業風險管理的框架日漸成熟,管理
            the Management internalised its maintenance in 2012/13 and conduct   層自二零一二╱一三年度起,將企業風險
            corporate-wide risk assessment on an annual basis. The risk assessment   管理工作改由內部負責,並每年進行全面
            results and enhancements to the ERM framework are reported annually   的企業風險評估。風險評估結果及企業風
            to the Audit Committee for their review and to the Executive   險管理框架的改進建議會每年提交予審核
            Committee for their information. The Audit Committee also reports   委員會審閱及供執行委員會參考。審核委
            these results and enhancements to the Supervisory Board.    員會亦會向監事會匯報有關結果及改進建

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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